46 0:41:14 0:07:19 0:20:40 0:13:14 BILL DENSMORE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL M40-49 47 0:41:16 0:07:46 0:18:39 0:14:51 RAVIV WOLFE NAPERVILLE IL M20-29 48 0:41:17 0:07:51 0:20:05 0:13:20 MATTHEW L KIRCHER CHICAGO IL M30-39 ..... 189 0:49:01 0:10:21 0:25:13 0:13:26 MICHAEL A HETTERSCHEIDT ANN ARBOR MI M20-29 190 0:49:03 0:09:59 0:22:53 0:16:11 KIM KOUWABUNPAT HOUSTON TX F20-29 191 0:49:09 0:08:22 0:22:32 0:18:14 BRIAN JACOBSON HIGHLAND PARK IL M30-39 ...
Paranal bhotel/b, the so-called Residencia. Neither injuries to persons nor damage to the installations were registered. After extended checkout procedures, regular night-time operations could be resumed at sunset. b....../b M. D.; bHetterscheidt/b, M.; Mellier, Y.; Yee, H. K. C.;. Cosmological constraints from the 100-deg2 weak-lensing survey; MNRAS 381, 702?712. Bensby, T.; Zenn, A. R.; Oey, M. S.; Feltzing, S.;. Tracing the Galactic Thick Disk to Solar Metallici- ...